

  What is Gear Cutting? Contents   show Gear cutting is the process of machining or creating gears. Toothed gears are essential elements in mechanical  power transmission,  and their accurate production necessitated the development of intelligent tools and processes. Gears may be manufactured by  casting , stamping, machining, or by powder metallurgical processes. Out of all such processes, the most common and accurate method of production of gears is by hobbling,  broaching , milling, and  grinding . Gears are generally made of  metal , plastic, and wood. Although gear cutting is necessary, many metal and plastic gears are made without cutting, such as die-casting or injection molding, while some of them require subsequent machining. The various methods of producing by machining operations are explained below. So Let’s discuss them one by one. Read Also:  Types of Rolling Mills and Their Applications with [PDF] Gear Cutting Processes Following are the various gear cutting processes th


*************** BROACHING****************** BROACHING MACHINE: TYPES, OPERATIONS, ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES BROACHING METHODS In this article you will learn about  broaching machine ,  Types of broaching machine, Broaching operation and Advantages. Broaching Broaching  is a  method  of removing metal by pushing or pulling a  cutting tool  called a  broach  which cuts in a fixed path. In broaching machine,  the tool of the machine is pulled or pushed through the surfaces to be finished. With the help of broaching, finishing is done on flat or contoured and either internal or external surfaces. Broaching is limited to the removal of about 6mm of stock or less. The term  broaching  may have derived from an ancient Roman word  braccus , which means an object having projecting teeth. The operation itself dates only to the 1850s when  broaching tools  when called “drifts” were hammered in blacksmith shops through the work or pushed with an arbor press. Types of Broaching Machine Following


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  Non-ferrous Alloys An alloy is a mixture of two or more materials, at least one of which is a metal. Alloys can have a microstructure consisting of solid solutions, where secondary atoms are introduced as substitutional or interstitials in a  crystal lattice . An alloy may also be a mixture of metallic phases (two or more solutions, forming a microstructure of different crystals within the metal). Examples of  substitutional alloys  include bronze and brass, in which some copper atoms are substituted with either tin or zinc atoms, respectively. Interstitial alloys are a compound formed when an atom with a small enough radius sits in an interstitial “hole” in a metal lattice. Examples of small atoms are hydrogen, boron, carbon, and nitrogen. Solid solutions have important commercial and industrial applications, as such mixtures often have superior properties to pure materials. Many  metal alloys  are solid solutions. Even small amounts of solute can affect the electrical and physical


  TYPES OF STEEL Mankind first learned to work with iron some 6,000 years ago, though it wouldn’t be until a few thousand years later when the ultra-common element was applied in its most important role: the production of steel. Steel is used in mechanical and electrical applications,  heavy construction equipment , kitchen appliances and  tools . With so much variety, it can be confusing to decide the type to use. Steel is an iron alloy, meaning it’s primarily composed of iron and combined with one or more alloying metals to produce new materials with unique properties. There are four main classifications, but there are also multiple subgroups that serve different purposes. Its properties change depending on the elements iron is combined with as well as the methods used to heat and cool the metal. Below, we explain the different kinds of steel and the purpose each type serves. We hope this information can help you make decisions about which type to use with clarity and confidence. Wha